TYT Bennie Carollo is a Genocide Denier
bleepblompBen on twitch, Bennie (previously Ben Carollo) is a 'The Young Turks' host that has some extremely disturbing beliefs including genocide denials, they are detailed and documented here.
So called tankies, often make ridiculous statements in their unyielding defense of all things communism. For me, that becomes a more serious issue when that rhetoric turns to defending or denying genocides, as Bennie Carollo has done recently. It seems like the objectionable abhorrent statements were about to go over, would also be deemed problematic by the Young Turks, for whom Bennie is a contributor for.
@BenjaminCarollo (twitter) TYT host, contributor, sometimes co-host of Indisputable (show on TYT).
Tibetans were so and remain glad to have been liberated by China.
Tienanmen Square protesters were calling for their right to managerial positions & many were tricked into participating.
The US only Joined ww2 to help Nazis from prosecution, and to save the rich in Germany and japan from socialists.
The USSR gulags were simply a normal prison system. They did not contain political prisoners.
“most of the ussr most of them actually ended up right back in those same gulags because this is to be very very clear that's their normal prison system that is the normal prison system that they had just to be clear because who do you think set up the gulags“ [Time Stamped]
The US has more political prisoners than China. And China is more ‘free’ than the US. China is a democracy. An even better democracy than the US. The poor in China live better than the poor in the US.
See tweets at bottom.
Their has been no genocide by China of Uyghur Muslims, culturaly or otherwise.
Uger muslims are “Happy now they can drink alcohol w/o worrying about bombing..” [timestamped]
info about —> XinJiang Conflict (wiki) FACT CHECK: “The US removed East Turkestan Islamic Movement from the terror list, saying there's "no credible evidence" that it still exists”
Refutes that millions died under Mao's Great leap forward.
Believes reference to the Holodomore as a genocide: is a Nazi conspiracy theory.
Other misinformation she has disseminated include: “Trans people are banned in Tennessee” and “Canada’s solution to their housing crisis has been literal euthanasia”.
Related tweets are below: